Tuesday, June 07, 2011

GreenBkk.com Tech | Company SecurID Tokens Will Be Replaced

Company SecurID Tokens Will Be Replaced

By Erica Ho on June 7, 2011

RSA Security, a security data firm which suffered a breach back in March, is now offering to replace all of the security tokens it provides to million of corporate workers. Safe to say its fine to trust companies when they say our data is secure after a hacking incident yet?

In a letter yesterday, EMC, which encompasses RSA, admitted that intruders managed to steal data from Lockheed Martin. Specifics weren't disclosed, but the company is definitely trying to step up their game making sure that nothing else happens – they're swapping out virtually every security token distributed to its 40 million something customers.

The security tokens, known as SecurIDs, generate a unique password during regular timed intervals for some 250 million corporate workers across the U.S. (We here at TIME also use the same security system for our employees.) The company says that they will continue to monitor for customers, and for in particular, financial institutions. And, that's a good thing.

The Lockheed Martin breach is the first confirmed incident since March, but it turns out the company had its suspicions the hacker was after defense contractors given the nature of the initial attack. According to the Wall Street Journal, even President Obama was briefed on the situation.

To say the least, there has no been no more known incidents for the company since March. Other customers who use the SecurID technology have reportedly experienced attacks, but no one other than Lockheed Martin has yet been identified yet.

Credit: TIME TECHLAND (techland.time.com)

Credit: CNN (www.cnn.com)

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