Monday, November 29, 2010

GreenBkk Travel | Gallery: Lopburi’s annual monkey feast sparks a feeding frenzy

Gallery: Lopburi’s annual monkey feast sparks a feeding frenzy

Credit: CNN (

As tradition dictates, the macaque-infested Thai town laid out thousands of kilos of treats for the hungry little creatures to devour

Lopburi's world-famous "monkey buffet" took place on Sunday, allowing hundreds of long-tailed macaques to gorge on over 4,000 kilograms of goodies.

The popular event takes place every year in Lopburi, 150 kilometers north of Bangkok. The town is famous for the small but feisty -- and sometimes downright vicious -- long-tailed macaques that live amongst its ancient temples. Every year on the last Sunday of November, these monkeys are offered a huge selection of fruits, vegetables and other treats like soda.

The Thai version of the Ramayana legend claims that Rama created the ancient city of Lopburi with the help of his friend Hanuman the Monkey King. Many of Lopburi’s residents consider the macaques descendants of Hanuman, hence this monkey feast is held in their honor -- and to promote tourism, of course, as thousands of people come to the town every year to check it out in person.

You can get to Lopburi by car, bus or train from Bangkok.

Here are a few highlights of this year's monkey buffet.

Nothing washes down a monkey food fest like a pre-packaged non-natural milk drink.

This monkey prefers something a bit more healthy.

Durian -- considered by many an acquired taste you either love or hate. And a smell you hate.

The monkeys made short work of this tower of fruit at a Lopburi temple.

This little guy face plants a watermelon.

My mom told me to eat everything that was put in front of me.

Most of the feast features fruits and veggies, but the monkeys are given a few sugary indulgences like cans of soda. Not sure it is that good for the monkey teeth.

Though the monkeys are quick to indulge in the buffet, unfortunately most of them suffer from a severe lack of table manners.

Monkey statues dressed in fancy suits hold trays that will offer drinks and sweets to the monkeys.

During Lopburi's monkey buffet, the cheeky creatures are too busy eating to bother stealing the personal belongings of tourists.

Credit: CNN (

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