Friday, January 14, 2011

GreenBkk Formula 1 | Virgin boosted after doubling computing power

Virgin boosted after doubling computing power

When Virgin joined the grid in 2010, their debut race car broke the mould as the first Formula One challenger to be designed entirely in the digital domain using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). And though they finished last in the final constructors’ standings, the team’s pioneering CFD-only campaign is set to continue into 2011.

An enhanced partnership with technology partners, CSC, will see Virgin’s computing capacity double in 2011, with a new computer suite housed at the base of technical partners Wirth Research. According to Virgin, this will allow the team to make more changes, more quickly, and at less cost than their rivals, as they strive to improve on-track performance.

Virgin hope the size and power of the new facilities will mean the smallest design improvements can be validated within a few hours, adjusted as needed, and re-tested. The team believe this will prove faster and more cost effective than the prototype production and wind-tunnel testing that their rivals rely on to make improvements.

“We are delighted that the partnership we enjoyed with CSC in our debut season has developed into an even stronger relationship and one which will have a more direct influence on the performance of our race car design and development,” said the Virgin team’s CEO Graeme Lowdon.

“Twelve months ago we launched the first Formula One car to be designed entirely using CFD to demonstrate that, over time, a new team operating with a smaller and more sustainable budget can enter the sport and be competitive. These are exciting times at Marussia Virgin Racing and with CSC’s support and an enhanced technical capability, we can embark on our second season with renewed ambition and pursue our longer-term performance objectives with confidence.”

The investment means that Virgin will be running at the maximum level of CFD capacity allowed under the teams' Resource Restriction Agreement.

Credit: Formula One Administration Ltd (

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