Wednesday, February 09, 2011 Tech | New app helps Catholics confess on the go

New app helps Catholics confess on the go

By Doug Gross, CNN

"Confession: A Roman Catholic App" isn't a joke, creators say, but is designed to aid with the sacrament.

(CNN) -- Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been 300 tweets since my last confession.

Whether you've been "borrowing" free Wi-Fi or coveting your neighbor's avatar -- or, heaven forbid, something worse -- a new mobile app is designed to help you atone for it.

Lame tech jokes aside, the makers of "Confession: A Roman Catholic App" say their software is seriously designed to help believers with the sacrament, and to help those who have left the church take a digital step back home.

Worry not, faithful Catholics: The $1.99 application, for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, is not intended to replace the confessional. Instead, it's designed to complement the act of confession, offering a "personal examination of conscience" (password-protected, of course) and a step-by-step guide to sin-confessing.

The app provides suggested acts of contrition and the "ability to add sins not listed in standard examination of conscience."

"Our desire is to invite Catholics to engage in their faith through digital technology," said Patrick Leinen, co-founder of Little iApps, developer of the Confession app.

And this one's got the church's seal of approval.

Little iApps claims "Confession" was created with the help of two Catholic priests. And it has been given the blessing of Bishop Kevin C. Rhodes of the Diocese of Fort Wayne - South Bend, Indiana -- marking the the Catholic church's first known imprimatur for a mobile app.

"Very cool; very useful," wrote Thomas Peters of, an online community for Catholics. Peters praised the app as being "not like those other programs that claim to 'wash away sin' and are essentially mockeries of confession, not preparations for the sacrament."

Credit: CNN (

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