Saturday, April 30, 2011 Tech | Groupon pulls ads from Trump site

Groupon pulls ads from Trump site

By Aaron Smith, staff writer April 29, 2011: 11:30 AM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Guns, abortion and Donald Trump: Three topics so controversial that Groupon doesn't want its brand anywhere near them.

The daily-deals website said late Thursday that it will pull its ads from the website of Donald Trump's television show "The Apprentice" to distance itself from the "political criticism" swirling around Trump and his presidential ambitions.

"Enough consumers have contacted us to warrant ensuring that we don't place ads on the 'Apprentice' homepage in the future," the company said in a post on its blog. "It's the same reason we don't run deals on guns or abortion ... this isn't a political statement, it's avoiding intentionally upsetting a segment of our customers."

Groupon, a company that offers discounts on restaurants, hotels and other services, also said it has never directly advertised on the show, though it does advertise indirectly with the broadcaster, NBC.

"We invest heavily in online advertising through networks that place ads on a rolling basis, meaning that we know one will appear on but not specifically which page," read the Groupon blog post. "We know that some advertising appeared on 'The Apprentice' home page a few weeks ago."

That won't happen again, Groupon promised.

Known for its edgy and irreverent marketing, Groupon has gotten itself into trouble with its ads before. The company shelled out millions for a series of TV spots during this year's Super Bowl -- a move that backfired when customers blasted the ads as tasteless. Groupon later apologized for causing offense and said it would stop airing the ads.

Trump's brand: Luxury or hype?

The Trump lightening rod: Reality shows "The Apprentice" and "Celebrity Apprentice" are the flagship products of Trump's empire, which was built on real estate and casinos. Trump has spent much of his career developing a luxury brand and attaching his name to a wide variety of products, including clothing, chocolate, tea and bottled water.

Trump is currently flirting with another bid for the presidency, though he hasn't actually said whether he will jump into the campaign. He has wedded himself to the birther movement, which has accused President Obama of being born outside the U.S. and therefore ineligible to hold the nation's highest office.

Obama released his Hawaii birth certificate to the public on Wednesday, as Trump was making political appearances in New Hampshire.

Credit: CNN (

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