Monday, June 20, 2011 Tech | Rebecca Black's Friday removed from YouTube

Rebecca Black's Friday removed from YouTube

Page last updated at 09:52 GMT, Monday, 20 June 2011 10:52 UK

The official video for Rebecca Black's internet hit Friday has been removed from YouTube.

A message in place of the video now reads: "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Rebecca Black. Sorry about that."

A spokesman for the 13-year-old says her team asked YouTube to take the video down because of a dispute with the song's producers Ark Music Factory.

The firm started to charge $2.99 (£1.85) to watch the clip last week.

At the time Black tweeted: "Thanks for all the messages regarding the $2.99 fee added to Friday video, I have NOTHING to do with this!!

"PS...My Manager and Lawyer are on this and are going to get to the bottom of this! Stay tuned..."

Black's lawyers and Ark Music have been in dispute over who owns the rights to the internet phenomenon, which had garnered more than 160 million views, for months.

The singer's parents paid $4,000 (£2,474) for production of the song and video, which has since been performed by Justin Bieber, as well as on hit show Glee.

Black's lawyers sent a letter to Ark Music back in March, accusing them of copyright infringement and unlawful exploitation of her publicity rights.

Credit: BBC (

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