Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Lotus Renault GP | ROBERT KUBICA ANSWERS FAN’S QUESTIONS PART1



Last Friday, we asked you LRGP fans to come up with your questions for Robert Kubica who would do his very best to answer as many as possible. Robert was overwhelmed with the response after receiving more than 1,300 in the past five days! And, while it’s not been possible to answer every single one, he has picked a selection and provided the answers here.

If your question isn’t below, don’t despair - Robert will also be giving the answers to some more of your questions here at on Friday.

Happy reading!

“First of all I want to say hello to everybody! I would be happy if I was able to answer to all your questions, but there were simply too many! I have read each and every question, and selected those that somehow summarise the common topics” - Robert.

Leo: How do you feel physically and mentally?
Mentally, no problem at all. Physically, I am still a bit weak but my general condition is quite good. My weight has now returned to its normal level and for a few weeks I’ve been able to walk without help. All in all I feel pretty well.

Marcin: (Dear Robert, I have a question about your feelings after the crash, and also during your return to health.)
Do you think that this crash has changed something in your racing driver’s mind?
I don’t think so - I don’t have any memory of the accident, and I am just aware of the consequences it had. So, to me, it’s as if it never happened.

Do you think it helps you to be an even better driver?
Let’s hope so! But in reality I don’t see why, because I think I will be back exactly the way I was.

Adi95lbnn: Which team will you come back to next year?
I’m a Lotus Renault GP driver. Of course, I’m missing not being able to drive this season but I feel that my job in Enstone isn’t finished yet.

Jagodziewski36: When will you do a TV interview for us?
I don’t know yet - as soon as I have time for media activities. Now I must concentrate on my rehabilitation and training programs.

Sebo: What is your opinion on the change to V6 in 2014?
I will be able to tell you when I’ve tested it, especially because, by being turbocharged, I think the drivability will be different from the current one.

Cichy1986: Do you think DRS was a good idea?
Yes, there is more action on track and the “one second gap” rule creates more challenging situations.

PITER12: How is your rehabilitation going?
As I said before, I am satisfied with how things are proceeding. The improvement is in line with the expectations, and luckily there are no complications that could affect the recovery time. It is still too early to have a clear picture for the timing of my return but the important thing is the final outcome not the hurry.

Adam T. Szczurowski: What do you do to keep your mind sharp when you’re unable to use the simulator? Are you doing any visualisation training? What is your way to preserve all the instincts of a racing driver while in recovery?
You never forget how to ride a bicycle. There is nothing I need in that sense, I enjoy playing videogames as I always did and that’s it.

Kajetanlewicki: (Hey Robert, hope your recovery is going as well as planned!)
Are you going to be ready to rock the grid next year and fight for the championship?
Yes to the first question. For your second question, we will have to wait until the first test in 2012!

Mohamed Abdi: (Wishing you a speedy recovery, can’t wait to see you back on the grid!)
What do you think of the team’s performance this year?
Quite good, although it has been decreasing a bit, especially during qualifying sessions. I know there are some good updates to come in the forthcoming races and that should help to regain what we had in the initial stages of the season. Besides, in Silverstone, the “off throttle” issue clearly affected the competitiveness which we will definitely recovered in Germany next week.

Kamil_42k: Robert when you do come back to racing what will be the first thing you will do?
I will relax with my race engineers in the briefing room for a while and then start to work.

Credit: Lotus Renault GP (

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