Sunday, August 14, 2011 Ferrari F1 | In memory of Enzo Ferrari

In memory of Enzo Ferrari

Maranello, 14 August – Twenty three years to the day have passed since his death, but the memory of Enzo Ferrari is still very much alive. On behalf of everyone who works for the company, of Ferrari owners and enthusiasts of the Maranello marque, we wanted to express our thoughts about the man who created Ferrari.

“The example of the Founder is ever present and on a sad anniversary like this one, it is important to revive his memory, especially for the youngest generation,” said President Luca di Montezemolo to “He was a man who knew how to look to the future, even at a time when our country was plunging towards a dramatic crisis, pursuing his objectives with incredible determination. His dream became reality which today represents a sporting and industrial entity that is admired and envied all over the world. I am sure that, as he watches us from up above, he is happy to see that Ferrari continues to produce ever more innovative cars and that we are still at the top in motor sport, fulfilling the dreams of millions of fans of the marque wherever they are in the world.”

Those who wish to pen their own thoughts on the Founder can send a message (in English or Italian) to and the most significant will be published over the next few days at the site.

Credit: Ferrari S.p.A. (

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