Thursday, August 11, 2011 McLaren | Today I'm...

Today I'm...

MAT Design Director Duncan Bradley

Name: Duncan Bradley

Job: Design Director for McLaren Applied Technologies

Time with company: Five years

Job details: Manages everything design and engineering-related within MAT.

Today I’m... Working on a human telemetry project – I’m developing engineering solutions to understand what the human body does in real time. By monitoring the body in the same way that we monitor our Formula 1 cars during a grand prix, we can find out when and how it reacts to outside pressures and influences which we hope will yield huge benefits for people around the world. For example, one of the main aims of the project is to enable business executives to identify when during the day they’re physically and mentally the most stressed and therefore not performing at their optimum level. The system will also allow an individual to monitor his or her state of wellbeing in minute detail, something which has never been done before, and so it's a very exciting prospect.

Best moment of the day: Doing hands-on design work for the human telemetry project.

Favourite McLaren moment: Seeing how successful the S-Works + McLaren Venge bike has been (it won its first race and Mark Cavendish claimed the Tour de France green jersey riding it).

Favourite race: I wouldn’t say I’ve got a favourite race, but I’m loving watching Lewis inject plenty of excitement into Formula 1 this year.

Credit: McLaren (

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