Monday, November 14, 2011 Red Bull Racing F1 | F1 Ask Us

F1 Ask Us

by, Nov 13, 2011

Choosing this week's top 5 F1 Ask Us questions to put to our drivers was no less difficult here in Abu Dhabi than it was at the last race in India - you're definitely an inquisitive bunch. Anyway, here are those that made the cut, accompanied by Mark and Sebastian's answers:

1. What do the drivers think about whilst driving. Do they ever think of anything else bar the race? @ItsThisClayer.

Mark: 100% of the time we're thinking about driving the car but sometimes it becomes a bit subconcscious where your mind can think about the McLaren strategy or you're thinking about the race and you're not thinking about the driving and that's what you need to do is not just think about your own car but think about what the other competitiors are doing and how the race is unfolding. Also, thinking about the rest of the weekend is going, in practice you need to think about Saturday and Sunday and what you're going to need for the race. So you need to have the ability for your mind to go away from the cockpit sometimes to think about other things but still drive on the limit. We have conversations with the team - so we're not just thinking about the car at that point,we're thinking about the team.

Sebastian: You're so focused on what's going on around you that you don't think about anything other than the race.

2. Hi guys, I was just wondering when you deploy KERS or DRS does it give you and adrenaline rush? Calum Armitage.

Mark: Not really. Now it's normal. It's nice in a battle if you can use the DRS because you're trying to pass somebody so that's a nice feeling. But generally we use it so often now that we get used to it.

Sebastian: As you're racing, the adrenaline and focus is already there. Using KERS or DRS is automatic during the race, like changing gear. You do feel the effect of it though as the change in speed and power is noticable.

3. Which racing driver from any era do you most admire and why? Tony Coulson.

Mark: Prost. Because he was very smooth, always winning at the slowest possible speed, looking after the car, always very calculating.

Sebastian: Michael (Schumacher) has an incredible record, it's amazing what he has achieved.

4. To both drivers - how does the changing light effect ur driving during the race at abu dhabi? Blake Hughes.

Mark: We need to be careful with visors here. A visor is very importnat because of the low sun and also then we have the sun is finished and then the lights start so the clarity of the ashfelt is a little bit different sometimes but the main thing is with the visors.

Sebastian: The circuit changes and the car changes and the behaviour changes. Ideally you would like to change the car, but once you have made your choice then the only thing you can change is yourself. You have to play around. When the sun is up, the track is a little bit hotter, and then when it goes down the circuit is quite a bit different. The car behaves differently. The tyres come in differently. It is not easy to get that right all the time.

5. Marmite. Love it or hate it? Louise Robson.

Mark: Love it.

Sebastian: Ha! Not too keen.

As always, thank you all for your input and get your thinking caps on about what you'd like to ask the boys in Brazil.

Credit: Red Bull Racing Formula one Team (

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