Monday, November 28, 2011 Red Bull Racing F1 | F1 Ask Us

F1 Ask Us

by Red Bull Racing, Nov 27, 2011

Once again, choosing the top five questions to put to our drivers in Brazil was no easy feat. We had to get ruthless. Here's the five that made the final cut complete with Seb and Mark's all-important answers:

1. If you had a $1m bet on your car to win in Brazil, but you couldn't drive it, who on the grid would you ask to step into your seat and why?
Joshua Symons

Sebastian: I would put the winning driver obviously! That's the safest bet I guess.

Mark: Fernando. Because on Sundays he's fantastic.

2. To both drivers.... What's more satisfying, fastest lap or a non-DRS overtake?
Todd Duncan

Sebastian: There's a trophy for fastest laps at the end of the year. There's no trophy for non DRS overtake. But yeah I mean for both you don't really get any points but I think a non-DRS overtake means a lot because, arguably sometimes, with DRS, overtaking becomes a bit artificial so I suppose with both things, they are not neccessary but nice to have lets put it this way.

Mark: Fastest lap.

3. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?
Megan BVB

Sebastian: A bird so I can fly and see everything from up high.

Mark: (Long pause) Kelly Slater the surfer. Just to see what it's like to ride the waves.

4. Will the higher altitude of the Interlagos racetrack coupled with the DRS make the cars have higher top speeds than normally because the air is less dense?
Bill Scarano

Sebastian: In fact we lose quite a lot of horse power so we have less power avaialble and therefore we go quite a bit slower down the straights. It's not high enough to really see the effect that would be similar to say, airplanes.

Mark: Good question but the engines also have less power so yes the air is thinner but also the engine has less power, so in the end there's not much difference at all.

5. What was the best question in your F1 career?
Christian Metz

Sebastian: Yours. Nobody ever cared what people ask me so, thanks for that!

Mark: Bloody hell! I've had a lot of good ones. 'Is it right that I've never had a hairbrush for 10 years? (No I havent' had a brush and I dont need to, I just let the wind sort it out.)

That's it for F1 Ask Us this season but keep thinking over the winter and we'll endeavour to get you the answers you want as soon as the 2012 season kicks off.

Credit: Red Bull Racing Formula one Team (

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