Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Virgin Racing | THE X FACTOR


15 NOVEMBER 2011

We explore that ‘special something’ that rookies have either got - or not - with Marc Hynes, Driver Development Manager

Marussia Virgin Racing’s dream is to produce a driver who will one day race to Formula One glory - ideally in one of our cars. Our Team Principal John is known throughout the motorsport world for his ability to spot a driver with a special talent.

Lewis Hamilton and Kimi Raikkonen both took their first steps in single-seater racing with John before going on to win the F1 drivers’ crown.

Now the team is fully established in F1, we are even more committed to giving young drivers the chance to break into a very tough sport.

As part of that commitment, three promising hopefuls will get the chance to drive the MVR-02 car at the Young Driver Test at Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi this week.

Adrian Quaife-Hobbs, Charles Pic and Marussia Virgin Racing’s current Reserve Driver Robert Wickens will all be testing.

Watching them being put through their paces will be our Driver Development Manager, Marc Hynes, who will be looking to see if we have another Lewis Hamilton on our hands.

Marc explains: “We would love to produce the next Lewis. At Manor Motorsport we ran Lewis from his very first day in a car and for the first three years of his career. We saw something special as soon as he jumped into the car, but there aren’t many kids that come through with his ability.

“Adrian is getting his chance to shine as a reward for a good job in GP3 this year. We will also be looking very closely at Charles, and Robert is being rewarded for winning the World Series by Renault FR3.5 Championship. Robert already took part in the First Free Practice session at last weekend’s Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

“We want to see a driver who is ready for the step up to F1. It’s Adrian’s first run around a grand prix circuit, but he is actually pretty experienced now. Hopefully we have moulded him to a level where he can take it in his stride and he should do a good job.

“Charles and Robert have had more experience in faster cars, so we would expect a little more speed and for them to be used to working with bigger teams.

“But with all three I expect their speed to be reasonable straight away. To have achieved the success they already have they will have a solid driving style. It’s a case of applying that to a new situation and using their experience, working with the team to get an understanding of the new formula, new tyres, and - ultimately - to be quick around the circuit.

“Discovering a strong talent is like a series of boxes that need ticking. Then there’s that extra something that marks out a World Champion in the making. It’s that combination of natural ability, race craft, drive and determination.

“That is something Lewis has more than anyone I have ever met in any walk of life. The determination in that guy is incredible.”

For Marc and the team at Yas Marina this week, the Young Driver Test is one of the highlights of the year.

Away from the pressure of an F1 race weekend, the team can relax and just watch drivers who are eager to prove they are ready to make the step up.

Marc adds: “It is one the best parts of the year for me. It’s quite relaxed compared to the racing weekend, but you have some young guys who are super-excited to be in the car. There is a lot of pressure on them as they have to impress, and there is rather more attention than they would normally see.

“For any driver, that first test day is exciting. You suddenly realise the scale of the operation around the car and the media attention around you. Ultimately, once you are sat in the car, you close your visor and it’s a car you are well-prepared to drive. It’s just that an F1 car has rather more in terms of braking, power and grip.

“I think it will be an insightful few days.”

Marc knows just how difficult breaking into F1 can be. He raced Jenson Button in karts and beat him to the Formula Three title in 1999. But the following year it was Jenson who was given the chance to race in F1.

Marc adds: “Jenson has never looked back and it’s that sort of opportunity that we want to provide - to reward legitimate progress. The team has a big history of producing talent like Lewis, Kimi and Paul di Resta. I think we can spot an F1 driver of the future and we have a passion for developing them into the best they can be.

“What we offer through our Young Driver Programme is a ‘ladder’ whereby emerging young talented guys or girls can progress from karting, Formula Renault, GP3 and hopefully into F1. Who knows, we might produce a world champion one day.”

Credit: Marussia Virgin Racing (

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