Friday, March 25, 2011 Tourism | INAUGURAL ASEAN e-TRAVEL MART


Remarks by His Excellency Mr Abhisit Vejjajiva, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand at the Opening Ceremony of ASEAN e-Travel Mart

March 24, 2011

At Crystal Grand Ballroom, Plaza Athenee Hotel, Bangkok

Your Excellency the Minister of Tourism and Sports,
President of Tourism Technology Association,
President and Board of Directors of ASEAN Tourism Association,
Distinguished Participants, Members of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. Good morning. I am delighted to be here today to address this gathering, which is the first of its kind and a joint effort of Tourism Technology Association, ASEAN Tourism Association, Tourism Authority of Thailand, International Institute for Trade and Development, and the members of the ASEAN tourism industry. It is indeed a great pleasure to see this region-wide collaboration, as it can be expected to contribute to the achievement of the ASEAN Economic Community that we are building in less than four years time.

2. For the ASEAN region, tourism is a key industry that employs a large part of the workforce and contributes to the GDP of every country. For Thailand, tourism has been one of our most successful industries, with 15.8 million foreign visitors to Thailand last year, generating 585 billion baht or 7 percent of the gross domestic product. This year we expect to welcome 17 million visitors. And tourism in Thailand is using "greener" infrastructure. It is culture-friendly and it promotes our heritage to the world. It generates income and creates jobs nationwide for our people. Despite the recent challenges of the global economic downturn, my government is committed to ensuring that Thailand remains a peaceful, stable and hospitable country to visit. The Thai government strongly supports the advancement of the tourism industry within the country and the region, especially under the "Five Countries, One Destination" scheme of the ACMECS, as well as for people to "travel the ASEAN Community" as a whole. We are also determined to strengthen capacity building of the industry workforce, transforming it into a more skilled and globalised workforce.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

3. In the ASEAN Community that we are building, Thailand expects to see an increase in the number of visitors to our country and the entire ASEAN region. This will be realised with our ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity, which includes many projects on physical, institutional and people-to-people connectivity. To advance the tourism industry in the region, we must rely heavily on technology, especially ICT, as many of our visitors to Thailand and the ASEAN region get to know about our wonderful destinations through the internet, telling friends what they have enjoyed through social networks. The internet is also very useful in spreading publicity to promote our products and services. It is a powerful tool that can create a positive brand for the entire Southeast Asian region, through digital marketing. So it is my pleasure to witness the merging of tourism and technology, which together helps promote tourism in the ASEAN region more conveniently, not only for each other's destinations, products and services, but also in utilizing ICT in uplifting our tourism industries. One of the main pillars of the ASEAN Community is connectivity, and one step further can be achieved by new technologies as seen in the ASEAN e-Travel Mart today.

4. It is in this light that the Royal Thai Government believes very strongly in investing in modern technology to create a better infrastructure for a better future for our peoples and visitors. So I am glad to learn that today, we will be turning the "first page" in developing the ASEAN Electronic Tourism Standard for the future. And it is my hope that with this new standard, the ASEAN e-travel industry will be able to ensure greater reliability and safety for tourists who use ICT to search for tour packages, book hotels and ultimately discover their destinations in standards that meet or exceed their expectations.

5. In Thailand, we are continuously improving our infrastructure while working to strengthen our economy. The almost 8 percent GDP growth in 2010 is evidence of our resilience that has enabled our economy to rapidly recover despite the obstacles encountered. We forecast that this year's GDP will grow approximately 4 to 4.5 percent from last year, even with the increase of interest rates early this year.

6. Your presence here this morning is actually a testimony to your confidence in Thailand - a gesture we highly appreciate. Indeed, as you would agree, the warmth and friendliness of the Thai people are one of this country's greatest assets. The "Land of Smiles" is "all smiles", and we are more confident as we look into the future, because we are on our way towards an even stronger economy and society. Thailand is also a top venue for seminars and conventions with over 2,000 international meetings and exhibitions a year. For those who visited the World Expo last year in Shanghai, you would recall the visually stunning ‘Thai Pavilion' in the event. So this year we have proposed to the Bureau of International Exposition for Thailand to host the ‘2020 World Expo'; and if Thailand is chosen to host this event, it will be the first time the World Expo is held in the ASEAN region.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

7. The peoples of ASEAN are as fascinating as the countries they live in. Our visitors come from all across the globe, from different cultures and traditions. With tourism, we are able to bring people together in friendship, and bring out the "beauty in diversity". I thank you all for being an important part of the tourism industry and in bringing people together to visit ASEAN and to share our thoughts and ideas. May you continue to utilise various technologies to invite and facilitate more visitors to our region to "Travel the ASEAN Community".

8. I am very delighted to witness collaboration between the tourism and technology industries in this event, in sharing knowledge and setting standards that will uplift the capabilities of the ASEAN region. I now declare the event officially open. My best wishes for success. Thank you very much and Sawasdee Krub.


Credit: Tourism Authority of Thailand (

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