Monday, April 18, 2011 Tourism | Funds sought to restore Southern attractions

Funds sought to restore Southern attractions

Published: 18/04/2011 at 12:00 AM

The Department of Tourism is ready to help local administrations restore destinations that have been damaged or destroyed by recent heavy flooding in the South.

Supol Sripan, the department's director-general, said that although official figures were not yet in, the restoration budget would be in the range of 500 million baht.

Although it has no direct responsibility to restore damaged destinations, local administrations could seek financial aid from the department if they lack funds. The department would then propose each case to the Tourism and Sports Ministry.

"We are ready to help all parties under our supervision. We will try to seek a special budget to rehabilitate tourist attractions and the ministry will seek budget approval from the cabinet next month as well," said Mr Supol.

The department will set rehabilitation priorities, beginning with popular attractions that have been seriously damaged.

Arnupap Gaesornsuwan, the director of the Tourism Site Development Bureau, said waterfalls and hot-spring areas in Chumphon were among the areas heavily damaged. Flooding was also extensive in Nakhon Si Thammarat and Phatthalung provinces.

The rehabilitation of southern destinations is expected to cost at least 100 million baht as the impact from the current floods was heavier than from the one that swamped Hat Yai last year.

"The problems now consist not only of floods but also landslides, which caused more damage to tourist destinations." said Mr Arnupap.

"The landslides have blocked waterways and prolonged the flooding. The previous floods in Hat Yai last year subsided in only a few days."

Credit: Bangkok Post (

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