Friday, July 29, 2011 Formula 1 | Rejuvenated Hamilton ready to go

Rejuvenated Hamilton ready to go

Friday 29th July 2011

Lewis Hamilton has revealed the motivation behind his storming win in Germany on Sunday - finally feeling fresher and fitter.

Hamilton was left cursing his commitments to McLaren's sponsors in the run-up to the British Grand Prix, insisting his next contract would reflect his unhappiness and he would be less busy.

Acknowledging their driver's concerns, McLaren allowed Hamilton to miss more promotional events post-Silverstone, including a day visit to India.

With time off the 26-year-old was finally able to train, relax, and that was reflected in his performance last weekend when he conjured a stunning drive to take the flag at the Nurburgring.

That victory has lifted his spirits and confidence going into this weekend's race in Hungary, and for the Formula One title fight ahead.

"I went into the weekend so much more refreshed. I can't express just how much fresher I was because I hadn't trained for three to four weeks in the run-up to Silverstone," said Hamilton.

"With that break I was able to train every day. I was able to push, getting my body feeling fresher, so I went to Germany with a clear mind and I'd eaten at the right times.

"I also fly an unbelievable amount. I'm not going to tell you how many hours I do," he continued, before then proceeding to say exactly how much.

"Over 500 a year, more than three weeks, which is a long time of your life.

"The travelling is what kills you the most, so with that time off, to have that period doing my training and stuff, I went to Germany fresh.

"It probably made a bigger difference than I thought it was going to make."

Even Hamilton's brother Nicolas noticed a difference, although the older sibling feels there were other extenuating circumstances behind the win.

"Even my brother said to me 'you're really on it this weekend'," said Hamilton.

"To be honest I feel I'm on it every weekend, but of course, there are weekends when you feel your qualifying lap is better than others.

"My second qualifying lap (in Q3) was one of the best I've ever done. I can't remember the last time I have improved so much with my second lap.

"I definitely feel that was a great day, and then on the Sunday, we then did everything right as a team.

"I made a good start. The pit stops were at the right time. It's very rare you can get everything spot on. I think we pretty much nailed it."

So for this weekend Hamilton is hoping the cooler conditions that have so far greeted the drivers continue, in contrast to the often stifling heat that normally prevails.

"I don't want to speak too soon," said Hamilton.

"You never know with the weather because it could be rapidly hot tomorrow or the next day. I have heard it is going to get better and better.

"On my i-Phone it says it's going to be 22 or 23 degrees throughout the weekend, which if true will be fantastic for us.

"Any hotter this weekend then we might struggle."

Credit: ESPN STAR (

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