Monday, March 21, 2011 Formula 1 | Q&A with Force India’s Sutil, Di Resta & Hulkenberg

Q&A with Force India’s Sutil, Di Resta & Hulkenberg

Force India have high expectations for the 2011 season. At the wheel of the new VJM04 will be experienced German Adrian Sutil, who has been with the team since their 2007 Spyker days, and Scottish newcomer and reigning DTM champion Paul Di Resta. Backing them up as reserve will be Germany’s Nico Hulkenberg, who put Williams on pole in Brazil last year. All three men preview the campaign ahead…

Q: Adrian, how was the VJM04 during winter testing?
Adrian Sutil: We did a lot of testing in general and a good deal of tyre work as this is the most important element for us to understand. We have a reliable car, which is positive, and this will help us during the first few races. But we still need to look for more speed and we require a little more time to understand the developments and aero side of the car. The first few races may be a little tough in that respect, but for sure we shall pick up our race pace soon.

Q: How do you think the new regulations will affect the racing this year?
AS: I think the new rules are quite interesting. They are challenging for a driver as you have to concentrate even more to press quite a few buttons during qualifying and the race. I like it though, and have been able to handle the changes quite well. The new regulations make more power available so that the car can go faster, especially on the straights, which is always a good thing. Overtaking should be easier and there will probably be more pitstops, so we are in for some exciting races.

Q: Looking forward to Australia, what are your expectations?
AS: I hope that I will be able to finish the race as last year the gearbox let us down. It is always a good feeling to finish the first race, as you then know that the season has really started. It was a crazy race in Australia last year when the rain came in; I think only ten cars made it to finish. This is also why I think it is so important to finish the race in Melbourne - there are usually points to be won if you see the chequered flag.

Q: Paul, what are your feelings ahead of Australia?
Paul Di Resta: I am very excited obviously, but it is a strange feeling as the first race was cancelled and everything was prepared for that. But the last few weeks have been pretty seamless and I am fully prepared for the race in Australia. I enjoyed the track last year and Melbourne is a great city.

Q: How have you prepared?
PDR: The winter was a continuation of last year; I have been fully focussed on fitness and working with the team. I started working on this year's car on the simulator last year and this prepped me in the best way possible for the coming races. I have also been getting some personal things in my life in order too. With so much time taken up by travelling this year and all my concentration being focussed on the races, it was important to spend as much time with family and friends as possible over the winter.

Q: What are your expectations for your first F1 race?
PDR: I am open minded and will be concentrating on performance, getting the best out of the car on the Friday and Saturday to see what areas we need to improve as a team for the race. As for my personal expectations I am going to be realistic and gauge how it goes over the weekend and focus on the job in hand.

Q: Nico, as the team's test and reserve driver, how was winter testing for you overall?
Nico Hulkenberg: It was a pleasure being back in a F1 car and it was a very special feeling when I was sitting in a Force India for the very first time. Although I was only driving on two days, it helped me a lot to get to know both the team and our car.

Q: How have you been preparing for the task ahead at F1 races?
NH: Physical fitness is important, so of course I did some training nearly every day to be in a good shape. Plus, I have joined many briefings with the engineers and the other drivers during the tests and tried to help as much as possible.

Q: What are your feelings heading to Australia?
NH: I am very excited like probably everyone in F1. It is nearly impossible to predict how competitive we are and as well how competitive our adversaries are. It's very close, especially in the midfield. But I hope that the team will have a good start and I am especially looking forward to Free Practice 1, when I will be sitting in the car again.

Credit: Formula One Administration Ltd (

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