Thursday, May 26, 2011 Tourism | BOON LUANG AND PHI TA KHON FESTIVAL


July 1 - 3, 2011

Dan Sai District, Loei District and Province


The Phi Ta Khon festival is unique to the Dan Sai district in Loei Province and reflects the local Isan belief in ghosts and spirits. Held once a year, it is part of a grand merit-making festival known as the "Boon Luang" festival.
The origins of the Phi Ta Khon Festival can be found in the tale of Lord Buddha's last great incarnation before attaining Enlightenment. In Buddhist accounts, it is said that when Prince Vessandara, the Buddha's penultimate incarnation, returned to his city, it was such a joyous occasion that the village spirits came forth to join the welcoming parade. This very colourful and vibrant Phi Ta Khon procession is the central focus of the celebrations.

In a lively re-enactment of the tale, the young men of the community dress up as "spirits" wearing long trailing costumes made from colourful strips of cloth sewn together.

The hideous-looking Phi Ta Khon mask which is made of dried sticky rice husk is painted in bright red, green or other colours, and features the characteristic long pointed nose. This completes the transformation. The clanging sound of the square cowbells worn around the waist announces the presence of the spirits who wield phallic-shaped long-handled swords decorated with red paint. The good-natured, fun-loving spirits mingle among the crowd, teasing and amusing all who take part in the procession. Spectators and visitors are welcome to join in the fun.

There are two types of "spirits" featured in the Phi Ta Khon procession namely the "Phi Ta Khon Yai" — the supreme Phi Ta Khon, and the "Phi Ta Khon Lek", the ones that are commonly found. The making of the Phi Ta Khon Yai involves the performance of a sacred ritual to seek the blessings of the supreme powers before work on the Phi Ta Khon Yai masks can be initiated. It is also a task reserved exclusively for the descendants of families in which the tradition of making Phi Ta Khon masks has been practised for several generations. The Phi Ta Khon Yai is made of bamboo and is dressed in either male or female attire.


July 1, 2011
Phra Upakut Invocation and Cultural Ceremony
Official Opening Ceremony and the Grand Phi Ta Khon Parade
03.00 Brahmin invocation ritual at the ubosoth (chapel) of Phon Chai Temple (Wat Phon Chai)
04.00 Phra Upakut invocation ritual, Procession from Phon Chai Temple to the Mun and Sork River
06.00 Local residents as well as visitors present Buddhist merit-making offerings to monks. Along Kaeow Aasa Road starting from in front of Phon Chai Temple, past the Dan Sai District Office, to the intersection leading to Na Haeow district, and back to Phon Chai Temple
08.30 A Bai Sri Su Kwan ceremony is performed to summon spirits. At Chao Pho Kuan’s House
10.30 The procession in honour of His Majesty the King and the Chao Phor Kuan, Mae Nang Tiam and Phor Saen processions set off from the Dan Sai Community School heading towards the Dan Sai District Office
10.49 Grand opening ceremony of the "Boon Luang" Merit-making and Phi Ta Khon Festival, In the area in front of the Dan Sai District Office. The processions in honour of His Majesty the King and the Chao Phor Kuan, Mae Nang Tiam and Phor Saen processions head towards Phon Chai temple.
13.00 Performances on stage, In front of the Dan Sai District Office

July 2, 2011
09.30 "Boon Luang" Grand Merit-making Festival at Wat Phon Chai temple, Stage performances at Wat Phon Chai, Phi Ta Khon Parade along Kaeow Aasa Road
15.00 Bai Sri Phra Wet (Summoning of Spirits) At Chao Pho Kuan’s House.
15.30 Phra Wet (Prince Vessandara) invocation ritual, Phra Wet parade led by Chao Pho Kuan and Chao-Mae Nang Tiem to Phon Chai Temple to make merit and the firing of bamboo rockets, Phi Ta Khon mask discarding ceremony, At Wang-wern pier, Phon Chai Temple
19.00 Buddhist sermons at Phon Chai Temple

July 3, 2011
04.00 13 consecutive Buddhist sermons at Phon Chai Temple, Buddhist merit-making ritual, Blessing ritual to bestow good luck on the local community, Procession of consecutive Buddhist sermons from each of the villages in Dan Sai District, A Clean Food – Good Taste Food Festival will be held at the evening market from 19.00 onwards on 30 June.

Contact information:
Accommodation in Dan Sai District
Phu Pha Nam Resort
Tel: 042 078078-9

Contact information:
Tourism Authority of Thailand, Loei Office
Tel: +66 (0) 4281 2812
Fax: +66 (0) 4281 1480


Loei is a border town adjacent to present-day Laos, formerly known as the Lan Xang Kingdom in the past. Many of the temples and archaeological sites in Loei thus reflect the influence of the Lan Xang artistic style, particularly the sloping roof covered with wooden tiles commonly found in Loei. Other distinctive features can be seen in the Ubosot or ordination hall and the Viharn, the assembly hall.

The temple which was built in 1560 is of special significance as it symbolizes the fraternal relationship between two kings, namely Somdet Phra Maha Chakkaphat of the Ayutthaya Kingdom and Phra Chao Chaiya Chetthathirat of the Lan Xang Kingdom, who took a pledge of peace at the stupa that neither would encroach on the other's territory, and to unify their forces against the invading army.

The Lan-Xang style stupa is located on a hill by the Man River and marks the borderline between the two kingdoms. The stupa is a 30-metres high brick-and-concrete structure in the shape of a "cubical lotus", similar to the Phra That Phanom stupa in Nakhon Phanom Province, Phrat That Luang in Vientianne and other such stupas found along the banks of the Mekong River.

The temple was built in the late Ayutthaya period and has served as the town's sanctuary and moral refuge for generations.

Assumed to be of the Chiang Saen period, the temple houses a magnificent statue depicting the meditating Buddha with an elongated face and a flamboyant top-knot. The mural paintings in the Viharn or assembly hall depict the Jataka, the ten previous lives of the Lord Buddha. An inscription on the northern wall suggests that the mural paintings were completed in 1852 during the reign of King Rama IV. Mural paintings on the outer walls of the viharn were completed in 1916.

Phra That Satcha literally means the temple of truthful pledge.

One year following the collapse of the Phra That Phanom in Nakhon Phanom, considered to be the most revered Buddhist stupa in Northeastern Thailand, this 33-metre high stupa was constructed on a large rocky foundation.

Modelled after the original Phra That Phanom, the Phra That Satcha was constructed to continue the religious symbolism represented by the original stupa in Nakhon Phanom. This helped to heal the sense of loss following the tragic collapse of the original stupa and re-proclaimed the pledge to preserve Buddhism in the region.

Relics of the Lord Buddha and his followers and soil from the original Phra That Phanom were consecrated within the new stupa. A gilded Buddha's footprint is housed within the stupa.

Credit: TAT News (

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