Friday, August 26, 2011 Sebastian Vettel | Nazionale Piloti vs AllStars | K.A.S Stadium, Eupen - Belgium

Nazionale Piloti vs AllStars | K.A.S Stadium, Eupen - Belgium

Wednesday, 24 August 2011 00:00

Nazionale Piloti vs AllStars | K.A.S Stadium, Eupen - Belgium, 24th August, h 8pm | 6 : 3
In Belgium a triumph of goals and show for Nazionale Piloti again!In a full stadium – with over 8.000 people – Nazionale Piloti achieves an important win with the final result of 6 to 3: fantastic goals for the World Champion Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull), the home lord Jerome D’Ambrosio (Virgin), the very strong Maro Engel (Mercedes DTM, 2) and the African professional player Lukunku (2).
An evening with sport and charity, but also with show and surprises. Already during the pre-match with the unexpected coming of the seven-times world champion Michael Schumacher. The Mercedes driver flews to Eupen with the World Champion Sebastian Vettel, after they have officially celebrated the twentieth anniversary since the Michael’s debut in Formula One: a very great surprise for the team and in particular for the President Mario Di Natale emotionally very attached to the German champion. Great show with the launch of the Red Bull parachute to deliver the ball of game to the players: the show continues for all the minutes of the match thanks to the fantastic percussionists and to the beautiful cheerleaders who set the rhythm of the match.

A great race for all the drivers of the team: the local hero Jerome D’Ambrosio and the very strong Sergio Perez (Sauber) who go out from the field after the end of the first half time, the legendary goalkeeper Matteo Munari (Rally Team) always author of fantastic saves, Johnny Cecotto (Ocean Gp2) wild star in the field, acclaimed by his girlfriend Cristina Boeri and replaced in the second time by Ricardo Teixeira (Team Lotus) always ready to do his best, Vitaly Petrov (Lotus Renault) always in the heart and in the spirit of the team, Vitantonio Liuzzi (HRT) in the bench, came in the match directly from Las Vegas where he has presented his fashion line Bonnie & Clyde. And again Stefano Coletti (Trident Gp2) great lion in the all of centimeters of the field and replaced by a very strong Christian Montanari (Superstars), Kristian Ghedina (Superstars) always with Nazionale Piloti despite of the large number of the commitments including his participation in the new reality show “Baila” that will be broadcast in the Italian Television Canale 5 in September, the pillar Ivan Capelli (RaiSport) in pole position in every match and always accompanied by the Engineer Giancarlo Bruno who stays in the bench and always ready to support the team.
At the end of the match a great party between the two teams and a great triumph for the President Mario Di Natale literally drowned in the champagne by Sebastian Vettel and Jerome D’Ambrosio: after that, the President has received by Olivier Schyns, like a present for the 30 years of the activity of Fondazione Mondiale Piloti Onlus, a picture with Mario Di Natale and Michael Schumacher. Thanks to Michael for this fantastic presence.

A great thank goes to Olivier Schyns by all the team for the perfect organization of this beautiful event. The team wants also to thank the MainSponsor GrissinBon, the Second Sponsor Le 5 Stagioni, the Technical Sponsor Virma and the Official Supplier Sartor Coppe.

Credit: Sebastian Vettel (

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