Monday, October 17, 2011 Jenson Button | Fourth Place in Korea

Fourth Place in Korea


"I don't think I could have done much more than fourth today. I struggled to get rid of my understeer throughout the whole race, so fourth was a fair reflection of what the car was capable of today.

"On the first lap, I braked into Turn Three, but Felipe [Massa] went inside me and I got stuck on the outside and ended up losing quite a few places. At the end of the first lap, I was sixth, but I don't think that poor first lap would have changed my result.

"Throughout the race, I didn't have any front-end grip. I couldn't get into the DRS zone either, so it was always tricky to try and close down the car in front when I lacked that straightline advantage.

"I was passed by Nico [Rosberg] after my first pitstop when he ended up out-braking himself at the pit exit. The exit here is a bit unusual: if you leave the pits behind another car, then you're probably going to be able to get ahead, because you get the benefit of the DRS into Turn Three. But Nico locked up out of the pits and ran wide, so I passed him, meaning he crossed the DRS line behind me and was able to use it to get past on the straight.

"I was able to nip back past pretty quickly and was able to close down on the battle for second between Lewis and Mark. But, towards the end of each stint, the front-end would drop away: I just couldn't get close enough in the last sector. I added more front-end at the stops, but I had lots of understeer so I couldn't get close enough to Mark [Webber] to use DRS. I think I only used DRS once in the entire race.

"Still, if this was a bad day, it wasn't so bad!"

Started: 3rd
Finished: 4th
Fastest lap: 1m40.709s (+1.104s, 7th)
Pitstops: Two: laps 13 and 34 (Op-Op-Pr)
2011 points: 222 (2nd)

Credit: Jenson Button (

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