Tuesday, February 08, 2011

GreenBkk.com Tourism | No signs of bird flu among wild birds

No signs of bird flu among wild birds

By The Nation

The National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department confirmed yesterday that there were no reports of a bird-flu outbreak, and that it had dispatched officials to inspect the 46 egg-laying sites of open-billed storks in 17 provinces.

The department chief Sunan Arunnopparat said his office had been keeping an eye out for bird-flu symptoms among wild birds for three years now. They scan at least 3,000 samples or 12,000 birds from all regions in Thailand every year, and have inspected 906 samples or 2,327 birds between October and January, and not discovered any infections.

Following public complaints about open-billed storks and fears of bird flu, he said Thailand had some 400,000 storks that lived in 46 nesting sites in 17 provinces in Bangkok's vicinity. He said officials would inspect the birds until March and collect samples for lab tests.

Credit: The Nation (www.nationmultimedia.com)

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