Friday, May 27, 2011 Formula 1 | Nico Rosberg Q&A: Super softs working better than expected

Nico Rosberg Q&A: Super softs working better than expected

Though he played it down, Nico Rosberg was a second quicker than Mercedes team mate Michael Schumacher in Thursday’s second Monaco practice. That gap may not be representative, but it's clear Rosberg is pretty happy with the way his weekend's started, Pirelli’s new super-soft tyres included…

Q: Nico, looking at the times the impression is that this could be a very good weekend for you…
Nico Rosberg: Absolutely. Today was a very positive start to the weekend. The car is really working well, especially in a fast single lap, so it is definitely a situation to build on. We have been working really hard today with many set-up changes to finally get close to where we want to be. I am pretty satisfied and everything is going in the right direction.

Q: After the Barcelona race it was visible on your face how disappointed you were. Have you overcome this anger?
NR: I never feel anger. It was more a sort of disillusionment, to end the race no higher than seventh place. But to cry over spilled milk is not my style, so I am all focused on this weekend’s race - and so far it is looking very promising. The car is very nicely glued to the track and I feel very comfortable.

Q: How big is the risk here to overdo it - given the fact that there are no run-off areas, only walls and barriers…
NR: Sure there is always the chance that something can happen, but believe me my aim is to get smoothly through the weekend and have a good result on Sunday.

Q: There is a one-second gap between your time and that of team mate Michael Schumacher today. What does that mean?
NR: Nothing. It is too early in the weekend to look too intensely at the times. We will have to wait and see where we really end up after qualifying.

Q: But what does today’s experience tell you about the possible outcome in qualifying on Saturday?
NR: My impression is that we can end up very near the front, especially as our one-lap times are very promising.

Q: What is your impression of the new Pirelli super-soft tyre?
NR: That it is working very well - better than we had expected, so I have to say they’ve done a very good job.

Q: How many pit stops do you predict for the race?
NR: Before we drove today I thought that it would be quite a few, but after today’s experience with the tyres I believe it will be a lot less. I don’t want to give a straight number, as after only today on the new tyres it would be something of crystal ball reading, so let’s wait until Saturday afternoon.

Credit: Formula One Administration Ltd (

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