Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Red Bull Racing F1 | CHRIS GENT: THE FIRST TIME I WORKED THE FRONT JACK


Sep 28, 2011

Imagine standing still while a car comes towards you at 100kph. Not many would dub that ‘fantastic’, but Chris Gent does, as here he remembers the first time.

"The first race I was on the front jack was Australia 2008. Before joining Red Bull Racing I was at Super Aguri where I did right-front wheel on, but when I came here it was do that, or the front jack. I don’t know why, but I chose to do the jack. I did get practice with it at a test in Barcelona before the start of the season. That was actually quite relaxed, you’re able to get the rhythm of it at a test and I quite liked it. You could see the whole pit stop happening, the car coming towards you, the speed of it. It’s difficult to explain, but I really don’t mind that at all. At that first race in Melbourne, I don’t think I had any nerves. When the adrenaline is rushing, you just get on with it. You have no fear.

"In those days you had to get the jack quite central as there were straights and things on wings that you had to miss or else you might have damaged it, but beyond that it was straightforward. You watch for the hands coming up and make sure the boys have done everything they need and you’re away. It did feel like there was a bit more responsibility involved. The danger is that you drop it too early when one of the wheels isn’t finished. Now we have to be more careful as we have quick release jacks, so if you release the car you can’t pick it back up straight away. In Australia, at that first race, it was slower than it is now. It’s a fantastic feeling. I’m not sure what it is exactly… everyone’s out to the side of you and you’re staring straight down the pitlane as the car comes towards you; you almost get this tunnel vision and it’s all you can see."

Credit: Red Bull Racing Formula one Team (

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